Zhang Ziwei張子偉and Zhang
Ziyuan張子元. 2000. Hunan sheng Huanyuan Xian
Paibi xiang Huanyan cun Miao zu de zhuiniu ji湖南省花垣縣排碧鄉黃巖村苗族的椎牛祭 (the bludgeoning
oxen sacrifice among the Hmong people of Huayan village in Hunan’s Paibi
township, Huayuan county). Taipei :
Shih Ho-cheng Folklore Culture Foundation. 540 pp.
Series of Studies in Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore, no. 71
The zhuiniu ji is the largest, lengthiest, and
most sacred and solemn ritual of the 72 forms of sacrificial ritual performed
by the Miao people of southwest China .
This rite’s main goals involve prayers for wealth and blessings, the
elimination of disasters and calamities, and the birth of sons. Only those with
certain surnames may perform this rite. For example, members of the Shi施 surname group are
only allowed to perform bludgeoning pig sacrifices, and may not sacrifice oxen.
The zhuiniu ji encompasses a total of 36 rites
for making offerings to the Hmong’s gods and ghosts, as well as gods and ghosts
from outside the community. These rites also preserve the ancient ritual of shiwei尸位 (sacrificing to a descendent who dresses as a
substitute for the deceased). The author provides a vivid and detailed written
record of all the various rituals performed. At the end of the book is appended
the text of zhuiniu ji in both Hmong and Chinese, as well as numerous
photographs of these rituals.